Moscow Scottish Women's
Report on Last Meeting
Moscow SWI Members and new visitors enjoyed a baking demonstration by Valerie Howe, “ Not Quite an Afternoon Tea”. Valerie produced a lovely selection of cakes and biscuits whilst reminiscing about her mother and grandmother’s baking and giving us lots of handy hints. We all had a taste of the finished goods and some lucky members won a selection of goodies in the raffle. Valerie judged the competition and the results were: “ A Single Bloom”:- 1 Mary Montgomerie, 2 Catherine Barr, 3 Catherine McInnes, an article beginning with “G”:- 1 Jan Loudon, 2 Anne Borthwick, 3 Catherine McInnes. The hostesses were Catherine Barr and Christine Taylor and Rosie Pensom gave an amusing vote of thanks.
Moscow members have been busy during the summer and won the Carrick Gazette Rose bowl in the baking section and were fourth at the Newmilns Show. Christine Taylor represented the Institute at Gardening Scotland with her 3 fruit marmalade and six of our members judged the flowers, jams and baking at the recent Strathaven show.
About Us
The Scottish Women's Institute (also known by many of its members as the 'Women's Rural') was founded in East Lothian in 1917. Since then, it's grown into a national organisation, offering its members fellowship and fun activities on a monthly basis from September to May. We have a wide range of activities and events, from the Ruralympics to public speaking and crafts, not to forget some competitive baking. .